by S.

Dwight Howard in LA - 'Kazaam 2' to follow?

Dwight Howard is now a member of the Los Angeles Lakers after kicking and screaming in Orlando for the past year demanding a trade.  It was a little more dramatic than when Shaquille O'Neal bolted for LA in the mid 90's, but both superstars end up in Hollywood in the end leaving the Magic will yet another hole to fill.

Howard has already been compared to Shaq numerous times and this surely doesn't help his chances of coming out of that shadow.

Already claiming Shaq's nickname of "Superman" -- what's next for the big fella? Will Championship rings follow Howard as they did to Shaq in LA? Will a feud with Kobe? What about a movie or rap career?

Only time will tell.

We're all just glad the Magic soap opera is over.

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