by S.

Welcome to Bumument Park

The New York Yankees. Legends. Championships. Tradition.  Theses are all words that come to mind when you think of the storied franchise with 27 World Series titles.

All the great players who have wore the pin stripes can now be found in Monument Park at the New Yankee Stadium.  However, what about all the busts and ridiculous contracts that didn't turn out over the years? Do they have a park to be remembered forever?


Well maybe they should.

We thought it would be fun to put together a "Bumument Park" to display some of the 'best' Yankees throughout the years.  We decided to create its first five members and let you decide who gets added (or removed) moving forward.

So, here you have it.  The inaugural members of Bumument Park. Please leave your suggestions below in the comments for the next members.

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